2025 FORMS

The 2025 River Ridge Charity FORMS
Added classes
on class schedules
21.1 ASB Three Gaited Park, Jr. Exhibitor 17 & Under

40.1 Saddle Seat Equitation W/T 8 & Under

71.1 ASB Three Gaited Park Championship Jr. Exhibitor

76.1 Feathered Pleasure W/T/C

78.1 Morgan Park Harness, Ladies

95.1 UPHA ASB Three Gaited Park Classic 3 Yr Old & Under

151.1 Feathered Pleasure W/T/C Championship

158.1 ASC Three Gaited Championship Ladies Amateur

See below for Sponsorship Forms and Sponsors

To do entries online use the following procedure.
  1. Create your FREE account (if you don’t already have one) at http://HorseShowsOnline.com
  2. In your member record, create the records for each of your horses, and each person that is an owner, rider, or trainer that you may want to include on an show entry.
  3. Pick the show you want to enter and begin the 5 step wizard to submit your show entry.
  4. The online entry wizard asks for:

a. The horse, owner, trainer and rider(s) for the entry. You choose these from the records created in step 2 above.

b. The classes you want to enter. Just put checkmarks in each class for each rider on the entry

c. Specify the stall fee quantity, and any other special fees you want to order.

d. Confirm your selections

e. Optionally pay using a credit card if the show requires payment to be submitted with the entry OR requires a credit card to be recorded with the entry.

f. Submit the entry and print the completed entry form.

HSS procedures: “How To” / Getting started process: http://horseshowsonline.com/OnlineEntry.aspx

2025 Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
  • Alter-Win LLC
  • Classic Saddlebreds
  • Melissa Moore - SunriseStable
  • Leslie Hepler Reynolds
  • River Bend Farm
  • Seldom Seen Farm
  • Stacey Himmelstein White, Riverview Valley Stable
  • UPHA Chapter 13
Silver Sponsors
  • The Edgar Family
  • Richlon Farm
  • Wind Blu
Bronze Sponsors
  • Bonnybrook Farm
  • John Nelson Stables
  • Royal Winds Farm
  • The Stachowksi Farm, Inc.
"Keep the Coffee Hot" Sponsors
  • Kathy Buente
Championship Class Rosette Sponsors
  • Reiser Stables
Five-Gaited Open Championship
Trophy Created & Donated by Vernon Ridgley.
"Keep the Popcorn Popped" Sponsors
Qualifying Class Rosette Sponsors
  • Kathy Buente
  • Tom & Elizabeth Burick
  • Jack & Jackie Hawkes
  • Whitney Hunter
  • Lookaway Farm
  • Nancy Lowry
  • Lori, Tyler & Frances Richardson
Friend of the Show
VENDOR Information
Vendor application

Proof of insurance must accompany your application
for vendor space.

Vendors Considering the Gilligan Complex.

Vendor space will be $100.00 (plus electricity & table rental) for those who arrange & pay for their vendor space prior to April 1st. All arangements received after that date will be $125.00

Electric arrangements and payment must be made directly
to Expo Services using the expo-services-electric.pdf.
This is the form currently on their website
but you should call them to make sure it's current 740-454-1201.

Only 10 spaces are available in Gilligan Complex.

Contact Barbara Dunham via e-mail. shosec1@aol.com

LATE DEPARTURE FEE: There will be an additional $25 charge for every occupied stall at noon on the Sunday following the show! The River Ridge show apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause; however, the show can not absorb this fee on behalf of our exhibitors.
Jim & Chad Kuhlwein of Kuhlwein Feed & Bedding Services will be hosting the "After the Show" Pizza party for River Ridge, on Saturday evening, immediately following the last class of the show.

This popular event was first hosted by them at the Morgan Gold Cup show in 2012.. It was very popular and they have now extended it to include River Ridge.

Send us your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas! We want to hear from you.

Barbara Dunham, Show Manager

Email: shosec1@aol.com or Call: